Using technology as a catalyst for change is one of the main goals as an educator who continuously searches for ways to be innovative in the field. However, through all the innovation it is important to maintain focus on the learner. When you focus on the students the technology gets lost in the education (for a lack of better words).
COVA (Choice Ownership Voice and Authentic learning opportunities) is a concept that has been a challenge for me and some of my classmates to conquer. Now that I’m in my third course, I have gotten used to the concept more and really appreciate it. As it states in the Course Guidelines of our DLL course, most of the videos and readings are introductions to ideas, insights, and examples for us to research and fully develop. This is where authentic learning takes place. Once you grasp that concept and let go of the traditional “cookie cutter” approach then you learn to really value your voice in presenting your work. I aim to get better at taking advantage of COVA learning and getting comfortable enough to provide the same type of learning opportunities to students of my own.
Now that I’m in my third course, I am also making connections between 5302, 5303, and 5305. 5305 was my first course in which I learned about the ePortfolio, created an innovation plan for my institution, and completed a literature review supporting that plan. 5302 taught me about the growth mindset and helped me cultivate my beliefs and passions in my Growth Mindset Plan and Learning Manifesto. In 5303, I am continuing the collaborative culture in the DLL program. I am exploring many tools for my ePortfolio and trying to find the right digital platform for me. I have reached out to a few colleagues and inquired about their websites because I was inspired by their work.