Week 4
Dynamics- In this module, you will be learning about the effect of dynamics in music. There are a lot of different things happening during a music performance that make it interesting. Breathing, warming up, and tone quality are the foundation of a good sound, but good dynamic contrast takes a performance to the next level. This week, you will learn and practice singing soft, medium, and loud, as well as crescendo and decrescendo. Dynamics can be complex, so you will also learn a few new vocabulary words to help you out! This will be fun!
Dynamics Terminology: This video explains the main terms you need to know in order to understand dynamics in music.
Vocal Exercise: In this warm-up, you will focus on singing three different volumes on each note of the scale. You will sing the first note at a medium-loud volume, then a soft volume, then a loud volume. Remember, no matter what volume you are singing at, focus on maintaining tone quality and breath support!
Dynamics- different variations of loudness and softness in the music.
Piano- soft volume
Mezzo forte- medium loud volume
Forte- loud volume
Crescendo- slowly from soft to loud volume
Decrescendo- slowly from loud to soft volume
Desired Results- Understanding of dynamic indications in music; the ability to respond to and perform correct dynamics.
Week 5
Figuring out rhythms in your music is something that should happen during your practice. Remember that it is your responsibility to work out certain things that we don’t have time to cover during rehearsal. Your proficiency in rhythms is very important to the workflow of the ensemble. This week, you will focus on rhythm counting and word placement. When singing, you have the responsibility of singing the correct notes, rhythms, and words.
Rhythms With Food Words: This video focuses on word placement with rhythms. In your music, you will be saying many different words with many rhythms so it’s important that you know how to decipher them. The food words in this video will help you with reading rhythms and also adding words to them just like you will be doing when practicing.
Rhythm Master: This is a fun video with a groovy beat for you to practice along to! Listen and repeat in the first section, then see how well you do in the speed challenge round!
Ta- Quarter Note
Silent Ta- Quarter Rest
Ta Di- 8th Notes
TaKaDiMi- 16th Notes
Week 6
Repertoire- This final module is about incorporating everything you have learned over this course into practicing repertoire. For this week, I have attached a piece of music that you will practice and perform. Eventually, repertoire will consume a hefty portion of your practice. When practicing your repertoire, you will practice tone quality, dynamics, and rhythms. You should begin your practice with a breathing exercise and a proper warm up. If you practice on each module for 10 minutes then you will easily achieve your 60-munite mark, but you will decide how many minutes to dedicate to each element.
Vocal Exercise: Chorale-This chorale is designed for your vocal cords to experience dynamic and rhythmic contrast. Practice the chorale thoroughly. Pay close attention to the dynamics and make sure your rhythms are correct.
Repertoire- pieces that a singer is ready to perform.