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Writer's pictureMr Kyles

Continuing the Growth Mindset and the Power of Yet

The power of 'yet' encourages us to persevere through adversity with the understanding that initial failure does not determine our potential to succeed. In my growth mindset plan I touched on my struggles in college jazz band and how I incorporated the 4 steps to achieving the growth mindset. During this process, I wasn't knowledgeable about the fixed and growth mindsets in particular, but naturally went through the motions of overcoming challenges. The GM plan was absolutely my favorite project because Carol Dweck's book and philosophy provided clarity to many situations that I've experienced. Also, the growth mindset plan is something that stuck with me moving forward, as I constantly remind myself of the power of yet.

Imagine leaving for spring break and never returning, followed by a 5 month transition to virtual learning. We began the school year off with remote instruction, and around mid September 50% of the student body signed up for face to face. As the music teacher I am responsible for the entire roster along with the PE coach, so here we are teaching face to face, and uploading lessons and videos for grades 1-5 (which differ drastically from the face to face experience). By the middle of October, new faces replaced old faces as parents were switching from virtual to face to face and vice versa! Even with the social distancing procedures at school, staff faculty and students were getting exposed and quarantining for two weeks. You get the idea. Over a course of almost a year we have been dealing with never ending change! To promote the growth mindset and the power of 'yet' moving forward, I would like to remind teachers and students of the mountain of challenges we have overcome in less than a year. I am a leader of change in my organization, which means colleagues are my learners too. Influencing them to embrace change is powerful for the success of my innovation plan. In my Four Disciplines of Execution plan, I detail ways that I will lead my team to accomplishing goals amid constant challenges. When the team gets discouraged, it is important to let them know that error is merely a stepping stone to success. This is promoting the message of 'yet.'

For students, establishing a growth mindset does wonders as their minds develop. Young musicians often need guidance when they begin practicing at home. They have high levels of anxiety from the fear of practicing something wrong, in addition of not having the direct contact with a teacher at the moment. As students progress towards accomplishing the BHAG of becoming independent practicers, I will ensure them that I have their best interest at heart and that all feedback is constructive. They need to understand that practicing wrong is part of the process and an important cycle. There are ways to cheat in music like hiding behind proficient performers, however the growth mindset allows for students to want to grow no matter their stage of musical development. Having the confidence to display their efforts gives me the opportunity to help them improve, and I must create that environment! Which leads me to my last point. In order for the growth mindset to thrive, it must be properly implemented at a systemic level. Students need to be held accountable for their achievements, not others. When a student works extremely hard and receives an 'F,' they should instead be rewarded with a 'NY' for not 'yet.'


Dweck, C. S. (2019). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random house audio.

Jeffery, S. (2020). Change Your Fixed Mindset into a Growth Mindset [Complete Guide]. Retrieved from

Welle, L. (2018). How to Quiet the Voice in Your Head that Tells You “You Can’t”. Retrieved 2020, from

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