As I get deeper into this Masters program, I am starting to see more and more people come out of their shell in regards to being receptive of the concepts. I appreciate this because lately there have been more cases of challenging ideas, whereas at the beginning of the program it seemed as if everyone was just saying what they think they should say. I'm not 100% certain that that was the case, but it seemed like it. People have challenged the ePortfolio, and people have challenged the COVA model. I would say that by challenging these concepts they are benefiting from the very components of the COVA model themselves.
As far as the ePortfolio, I think we should really examine it outside of the context of a classroom. One reason people challenge them is because students do not want to be represented by assignments (Rikard, 2015). I completely agree with that. However, the ePortfolio is something that can be incorporated for a passion outside of school. This also provides the opportunity for personal use instead of showcasing. After all, the ePortfolio is about the learning.
Lastly, I don't think it's a stretch to say people subconsciously use social media as a form of an ePortfolio. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have so many educational resources that social media has become a huge learning network for educators. On top of that, people like to use social media platforms to share all types of accomplishments with their friends, family, and followers.
Rikard, A. (2015, August 10). Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It? - EdSurge News. Retrieved from